Our Mission!

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth
— Muhammad Ali

Life can throw so many challenges at us, which makes it hard for some people to achieve their full potential. Not all communities will have access to resources that can help them overcome the challenges they face and therefore easily fall behind their peers.

Loft25 Foundation has set out a mission to reimagine outcomes for underserved communities, through long term empowerment in order to achieve excellence. This is in order to give the underserved communities the chance to realise their long term goals, fulfil their potential and achieve excellence.


Through our set objectives we aim to support local and international initiatives to accomplish such change, in the best way, to fulfil our mission.


We aim to achieve perfection and beauty in everything we do. Ensuring the projects we support are delivering their work extraordinarily well to ensure the recipients are getting a quality service and are served well.

Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well
— J. Gardner


Empowering the individuals to be the chance, and to bring round the change needed for the communities helps us achieve our goal of solving problems at the root to give the future generation the chance to have better opportunities and not fall into the same barriers as their predecessors.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for his lifetime
— Italian proverb

Sustainable/ Long term impact

Having a sustainable module for all the projects we support is key. For us to have achieved our goal of solving problems at the root and delivering the most benefit to mankind, by helping bring around social change within the underserved communities in a way that bears fruit for years to come.

To achieve a long term impact, it’s important for us to understand what the root of the problem is and empower the individuals to be the change.

If you think your organisation meets our objectives, don’t hesitate to get in touch and apply for funding on our website.

The best of you are those that bring the most benefit to mankind 
— Muhammad PBUH

The commitment to spend a third of Loft25 Group profits on charitable initiatives - Why?